My Works

“I’ve been fascinated with origami art since chilhood. I feel extremely lucky as I was able to use it in my own way to bring my designs to life and make a profession out of it.
I named my new project as ‘’Kağıt Kıvrımlarının Ötesinde’’ / “Beyond the Paper Folds”, where each piece of paper, turned into an origami figure, forms a unit. Combination of those units, brings up a work of art.
You will see colorful origami figures in my works. When you mentally fill in the gaps between these figures, a whole image will emerge. This is simliar to a phenomenon called ‘Typoglycemia’’, which refers to our mind’s ability to automtically complete incomplete or ambigous information.
This technique resonates perfectly with portraits, animals or human. They all have dominant colors when you look from a distance, but as you get to know them and look closer, you notice they are made up of so many.
My first work had to be Atatürk, founder of Turkish Republic. Atatürk is a great leader in terms of Turkish and world history. Althoug talked and taught about in classes and many other channels, events, one needs to really know him, understand his personality traits, appreciate the work he has done and the decisions he has made. I wanted to depict him as the colorful person he was, on the contrary to how he has been presented to us all these years, with black busts and dark portraits.
I am still continuing to explore further dimensions and the power of paper folding. Possibilities are endless, my endeavor is to uncover as much as I can…